Meat selection

Hello Hog Blog readers its time for another blog brought to you from here in the office. Its Monday morning and the start of a new week already we hope you all had just as much fun at the weekend like we did. We headed out not too far from the office on Saturday to cater at a 60th birthday party it was all top secret of course until we got there, a wonderful treat for the hosts father as all of his family got together to celebrate his birthday in style with a luxurious menu. This week we are heading in to the first week of December or as we like to call it the “hectic month” we have the first of the Christmas parties this week on Thursday at a local company wanting a change from the old cold finger buffet with a selection of two meats pig and turkey of course, it would not be the same without turkey at a Christmas event, which is why it has been so popular with our clients this month.

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